Now Is The Best Time To Visit Palo Duro Canyon In Texas
As the weather in our part of the country starts to stabilize into what will probably be a very short spring, now is the best time to go see something you probably didn't know about.
Texas has its own "Grand Canyon," and while it's not on the same size scale as what you'll find in Arizona, it's big and beautiful enough to humble even the hardest person you know... if you time your visit right.
During the winter, it's unlikely you'll just embrace the ridiculous cold and often snow this part of the country experiences at elevation. If the winds aren't brutal enough on the flat Caprock, just wait until they funnel and accelerate through the canyon.
In the summer, Palo Duro gets a flush of greenery... but that sea of green with redish-orange walls isn't exactly something that'll etch into your brain permanently. On top of that, the triple-digit heat gets turned up in the canyon, as if it were a giant land oven... but this time of year it seems the weather behaves.
You'll find cool temperatures there now, but you won't notice it in the warmth of the sun. Catching a light breeze almost feels fresh and brisk. This is prime-time weather-wise, but wait til you see those late-winter colors.
You'll want to get an early start on the road too. It's a three-and-a-half-hour drive from Lawton, but if you make it a weekend, it splits that drive back home into a less-daunting task. If you have the time, don't miss out on something so amazing and so close to home sweet Southwest Oklahoma.