There are all sorts of things for sale on Craigslist, but this one was a new one on us. There's a guy in Odessa who posted a Craigslist ad seeking a homeless girl to stay with him, in exchange for cooking, cleaning and participating in "bedroom fun."

The man, who says he's in his mid 20s and works in the oilfield, leaving him no time to date, posted several photos of his place, along with a list of what he's into, including bubble baths, hot cocoa, good food, trips to the park and cuddling on the couch. Sounds romantic, right? Maybe, if it weren't for his prerequisite we're not sure every woman would agree to (Hint: It rhymes with "borrow").

We'll admit, it's the first time we've seen the line, "From the streets to a big comfortable bed, good food and a person to cuddle with."

The man writes that he'd prefer his homeless girl to be under the age of 25 because "Any older than that and you'll come with an attitude and blame me for your situation."

Just when you've thought you've seen it all.

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