Is it Oklahoma's time to shine? Recently Peter Zeihan issued a report card to the Sooner State grading our current and future growth and success. His video report card and insight are very accurate and meaningful.
So why exactly are the Chinese buying up so much land in Oklahoma? Over the past couple of years, more and more rural property and acreage have been bought by China, which leaves people wondering why.
I was shocked to find out there were some here at the studios that had never heard of or seen the video for "Ylvis - The Fox (What Does The Fox Say)". Well, leave it up to the enterprising minds of some creative farmers because now we present "What Does The Farmer Say"
Janlyn Griffin, executive director for Comanche County Farm Service Agency (FSA), reminds agriculture producers that sign up will end for the 2013 ACRE Program on June 3, 2013.
The optional ACRE program, added under the 2008 Farm Bill, is an alternative revenue-based safety net to the price-based safety net provided by counter-cyclical payments...
The Peterson Brothers from Kansas are getting more than a little attention for their video parody of LMFAO's "I'm Sexy and I Know It". Their sister, Laura, helped shoot some of the video while the boys were doing what they do on the farm. From sun up to sun down they feed, drive tractors and combines, and put up hay. And star in viral videos like this one.
Right now it seems pretty bad in Southwest Oklahoma and Northern Texas. Farmers and Ranchers are losing their crops and selling off entire herds because of the drought. We'll come back, we’re tough!