If you've been on the inter-webs lately, especially social media you've probably heard about this story. Evidently two students at LHS (Lawton High School) were arrested and suspended for not standing for the National Anthem.
If you drive by Lawton High School today, you will see a black tarp torn to shreds, covering the Lawton High Billboard at the corner of Fort Sill Blvd and Ferris.
Congratulations to the class of 2020! Townsquare Media: KLAW 101, 107.3 Popcrush and Z94 have teamed up with Billingsley Hyundai to recognize and honor all of our Lawton High School seniors with our 2020 Senior Spotlight
The Oklahoma Bar Associations recently conducted their annual Law Day essay contest, which this year featured entries from more than 900 students from across the state. Participants competed in divisions for grades pre-K through 12 grade...
For the past few weeks, several Lawton High School students have been channeling their best Emily Bronte or William Shakespeare, as they prepared for the annual Poetry Out Loud contest, which was held yesterday at LHS.
In 2014, Lawton High School dominated its opponents all season long on the way to a top-ranking and a visit to the state finals. That year they met a red-hot Bixby team in the championship game and fell 35-21.
In November a teacher encouraged Lawton High School Student Jackson Cuzzort to enter some of his poetry into a local poetry contest sponsored by the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. After several days of rough drafts and intense writing, Jackson presented his work...
Last Friday and Saturday, the Oklahoma State High School Wrestling Championships took place at the Fairgrounds Arena in Oklahoma City, and six Southwest Oklahoma wrestlers came away with individual State Championships in their respective weight classes.