White Sox Outfielder Apologizes For Oscar Tweet. But, Was He Out of Line? [POLL]
Sunday night, Chicago White Sox outfielder Adam Eaton sat down like millions of us in the U.S. to watch the Academy Awards. After a few moments of the show, Eaton, like many of us, grew weary of the repetitive pokes taken at the Academy by host Chris Rock regarding the lack of African-American nominees at the 'Oscar' Awards and the protest that endued after the nominations were announced.
"does it always have to be about black and white? #American"...Adam Eaton, White Sox outfielder
We want to know...do you feel that Eaton misspoke and may have over stepped his bounds with his comments? We also want to know if you believe that the Chicago White Sox organization overstepped its bounds by forcing Eaton to remove the tweet and apologize for it's content.
Tell us what you think.