Do your part to help the OBI (Oklahoma Blood Institute) beef up the blood supply. They'll be hosting a blood drive today (09-03-20) from 9:00am until 4:00pm and again tomorrow (09-04-20) from 9:00am to 4:00pm at the Oklahoma Blood Institute in downtown Lawton, OK. located at 211 S.W. A Avenue.

All donors will receive a free all beef hotdog courtesy of the Oklahoma Beef Council and your choice of an OU or OSU "Bedlam Blood Battle" t-shirt. You'll also get a health screening and all blood will be tested for the COVID-19 antibody to help those recovering from the virus.


Oklahoma Blood Institute will follow CDC Guidelines during all blood drives. Appointments are preferred to help ensure social distancing. Walk-ins will be accepted as schedule allows. All Oklahoma Blood Institute staff will wear face masks. All donors will be required to wear a mask. Masks will be provided if needed. Temperatures will be taken of all donors and staff before entering the blood drive.

The OBI is in desperate need of blood and plasma donors. We're facing a community, state and even National blood shortage. The supply faces constant need and requires replenishing regularly. Blood and blood products have a shelf life and are perishable. Meaning if blood donors don't donate, the supply runs out.

OBI Beef Up The Blood Supply Poster

The need for blood is great and it's uses in various medical applications are invaluable. From life saving transfusions in emergency situations, surgeries of all types, cancer treatments and more. By donating you're literally helping to save a life, possibly a friend, family member or neighbor.

Not only blood, but plasma. The OBI are collecting Convalescent plasma to assist in the search for a vaccine to combat COVID-19. If you've recovered from Coronavirus please donate plasma to help with treatments and the development of vaccines. You could be a big part in help combating the virus and saves lives.

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