Have you ever heard the legend of the Witch's Grave at Hillside Cemetery in Skiatook, OK. before? It's one of Oklahoma's more sinister urban legends and ghost stories. This one has everything from ghosts and curses to demonic forces and witchcraft. A terrifying tale and a warning to those who would disturb this grave.

It's Far More Creepy Than You'd Think

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Legend says that back in the late 1800s or early 1900s a woman who was known to practice the dark arts of witchcraft was widowed. Her husband died, no one knows for sure of what or how, but the woman in her grief and desperation dug him up out of the grave and attempted to use black magic to bring him back to life.

Watch the video below to learn about the cursed Witch's Grave in Skiatook, Ok.

Despite her efforts, she could not bring her dead husband back to the living. The townspeople caught her and they took the man's body and returned him to the grave. The woman returned to the cemetery and dug him up again to attempt to bring him back. So once more the townspeople took his body and reburied him.

This happened again and again. Every time the townspeople would rebury her husband she would dig him up and take his body. Eventually, to keep her from digging up his corpse they decided to pour concert over his entire coffin and gravesite so she couldn't dig him up anymore. This ended the woman's attempts.

Hit play on the video below and watch paranormal investigators at the Witch's Grave

According to the legend the woman was so enraged by the townspeople trapping her husband's body within the grave that she cursed the site. Any person who touches the grave risks being possessed by a demon. If not possessed the person would be cursed with horrific tragedy and loss for the remainder of their lives.


Most who visit the site leave coins, flowers, and other offerings to avoid the witch's curse and appease any dark spirits or demons who may be present. It's a popular place to visit for paranormal investigators, those interested in the supernatural, and of course ghost hunters. So what are people saying about their visit?

Watch another paranormal investigation into the Witch's Grave at Hillside Cemetery

Some people have reported hearing strange noises, feeling the touch, and even forceful grabs from unseen hands. Others have even reported seeing ghosts not only at the gravesite but all within the cemetery. There's allegedly a ghost of a young man who was killed in a car accident nearby that wanders the grounds.


If you do decide to do a little ghost hunting for yourself and make the trip to Skiatook to the Hillside Cemetery be respectful and do not disturb any of the graves, especially the Witch's Grave. Investigate but do so in a courteous manner or you'll regret it. You never know who or what is watching. You've been warned.

Paranormal Society checks out the cursed Witch's Grave in Skiatook, OK.

If you're into the paranormal and supernatural Oklahoma has a ton of haunted places, urban legends, and eerie tales. It seems almost every county, town, and place you can go to in the Sooner State there are ghost stories being told. We've got something for everyone. Click here for even more Oklahoma hauntings.

The Top 5 most frightening Oklahoma myths & monsters

These five frightening Oklahoma myths and monsters will keep you up at night. We're talking about pure nightmare fuel. No matter what you believe or where you live you aren't safe from these legendary fiends of absolute terror. You can find these sinister creatures in the deep woods, lakes, and even within city limits across the Sooner State. Even your home isn't safe from these monstrous beasts. If you've lived here for a while you may have heard of some, maybe even all of these mythological and supernatural monsters below.

Gallery Credit: Don "Critter" Brown

Top 10 terrifying towns & creepy cities in Oklahoma

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Gallery Credit: Don "Critter" Brown

The Dreadful Downtown Hauntings of Lawton, OK.

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Gallery Credit: Don "Critter" Brown

Lake Altus-Lugert and SWOK's Underwater Ghost Town

Like most rare things, conditions have to be just right to see one of Oklahoma's hidden gems. In years of good and average rainfall, the lost town of Lugert stays buried beneath the waves... but in dry years, especially those stricken by drought, you can walk around this pre-statehood townsite while enjoying one of Oklahoma's prettiest areas, Quartz Mountain State Park.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Oklahoma's Top 10 Most Dangerous & Deadly Animals

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Gallery Credit: Don "Critter" Brown

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