Juneteenth, also known as, Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day marks the end of slavery in the United States and is celebrated on June 19.

The Juneteenth Celebration day is recognized by the majority of states as either a State or Ceremonial holiday. Only three states have not adopted the day as either; Hawaii, North Dakota and South Dakota.


“MANAGING THE HILLS WE CLIMB” begins Saturday June 19, 2021 from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.! This is the oldest known celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States and the Lawton-Fort Sill Community never dreams small! We are pleased to present the first virtual program undertaken by this committee and we believe that it will become a highlight for the entire community! The program will air on ZOOM (ID 816 8366 1282 pass code 516617) and Word of Life Ministries on You Tube.There will also be a viewing room at the Lawton Public Library this year.

This program features local personalities and relevant venues to showcase our community. A narrator will provide information setting the time and climate for the talent being showcased. Young people in the Lawton Fort Sill community will introduce original music and dance choreography entertaining audiences from every generation. Each year, Ms. Mattie Butler, author and director for the event for the last five years, has strived to present a program that is better than the previous event. Our hope that this presentation will pay tribute to JUNETEENTH in ways showing family values as well as hopes and dreams of our ancestors for their future generations.

For more information on this event, you can contact Barbara Ellis.

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