Reading this summer is more important than it has ever been. Reading during breaks from school is proven to help children of all ages and this year the break from school has been a lot bigger than anyone could have imagined.

“With COVID-19 social distancing restrictions still in effect, our 2020 Summer @ the Library will look a little different this year”, said Youth Librarian Tanya Organ. “Even though we won���t be able to have in-house programs, you will be able to participate in our First Virtual Summer @ the Library from your home!” “As always, it is open to readers of all ages, from infants to adults, and you can earn cool badges!”

Thanks to BookPoints, an online platform developed especially for library summer reading programs, you will be able to receive digital badges and keep track of reading. By using BookPoints, you will be able to log the amount of time you spend reading, track your books and the digital badges you earn. The program also has a family registration feature that makes it easy for parents to enter reading time and claim badges for all household members. Along with digital badges, participants can earn prizes for completing each reading level.

Grab & Go Crafts will be available for ages 5-18 every Tuesday between 10 am & 3 pm, while supplies last. Crafts can be picked up at the Youth Services Desk or curbside.


Sign-up for “Imagine Your Story” starting June 1 2020, by visiting . For additional information or to get help with registration or using BookPoints, contact the Lawton Public Library at 580-581-3450 extension 5.



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