Lawton Public Library is Set to Reopen – With Restrictions
The main location of the Lawton Public Library is slated to open on Friday, May 15 at 9 am after being closed for two months.
· The library will have limited services and customer occupancy will be limited to 20 people at a time. Group gatherings are not allowed at this time; the children's play area will not be available.
· The computer lab will be open at half capacity, and in accordance with social distancing and sanitation guidelines.
· The branch library is slated to open on Tuesday, June 2. Details will be branch restrictions will be given at that time.
· We have installed sneeze guards, we are wiping down books, we recommend everyone to wear face masks, and we are social distancing.
· Customers are still encouraged to use curbside pickup.
· Books checked out before May 7 aren’t due until August 1 but the book drop is open for you to return items at your convenience. Books checked out on May 8 or later have normal due dates. There are no late fees on any item checked out.
· Staff are happy to help you get a library card over the phone so you have access to OverDrive, Hoopla and more!
· It has been noisy in the library. The restroom renovation is still going on!
· Check out the StoryWalk in Elmer Thomas.
· Staff have been working while the library is closed. Give us a call!
Summer Activities
The summer reading program looks different. We are going to an online system. Kids, teens, and adults will be able to track their reading online and win prizes. We will have grab-and-go crafts.
2020 Chautauqua has been cancelled. The annual book sale will be rescheduled for later in the year. AARP Tax Volunteers are planning on completing tax returns in June. Please call the library to be added to the callback list when details are finalized.
The main library is open 9 am to 8 pm on Monday through Wednesday and 9 am to 6 pm on Thursday through Saturday. Call 580-581-3450 extension 3 or visit lawtonok.gov/departments/library for more details.
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