Made In America – Industries That Are Still Hanging On
The Haynes car. One of the first cars to hit the road back in 1893. America was getting ready to turn the corner and head into the next century as an industrial giant. But over the last 115 years or so, America has had not only a major decrease in productivity in the industrial revolution but most all of the items we buy come from 3rd world countries.
Gladly, I am here to tell you that there is still some things you can purchase that still say "Made In America" and the people that manufacture these products are proud to put that label on their goods!
Take for example bowling balls. How much more American can you get? A place where thousands of people young and old have gone for years to unwind after a long day or week. During the 1950's bowling was at an all time high with over 12,000 alleys in service. Now days there are only 5,800 bowling centers. Over the years there were plenty of companies to keep up with the demand for new bowling balls but now only one remains in Kentucky. Ebonite International still cranks them out year after year. Step up and get ready for the beer frame.
Ever take piano lessons as a child? Ever have the privilege of playing a Steinway grand? Each grand piano has over 12,000 parts and takes 450 individuals over the course of a year to make one. They have with stood the test of time while most others have been swept away due to economic failure or other issues which resulted in Asian made brands going head to head with a brand which over 98% of all concert pianist play - Steinway.
Had a thinking problem and you picked up that reliable yellow pencil and chewed on it for awhile? Well try to erase this. China has a dominance on this tool used everyday by millions. Only 14% of all pencils used here in the US are actually made here. One of the surviving companies General Pencil of Jersey City, NJ has been sending them out the door for over 150 years and has no intention of stopping now.
So how often do you actually look at the tag on the item you are buying or look closely at the country your clothes were produced in? America thrives on the ability to manufacture goods. But due to economic down turn over the years has forced its hand on many companies to surrender and send the production overseas to survive.
But at least one company is putting a ironic twist on this global merry go round. Next time you go out for Chinese food, you may look twice at the wooden chop sticks neatly enclosed in paper adorned with Chinese writing and pictures. More than likely they are not from China. What? Something American that China needs? Yes it is true. A little company south of Americus, Georgia is manufacturing approximately 63 billion, yes billion pair of theses wooden sticks. They have cornered the market ever since the wood supply in the country where they are used the most has dwindled to bare minimum.
So the table is turned. Where we see made in China on most every thing, the Chinese are seeing made in America for a change. Ironic? Yeah.