Walmart is Looking to Sell Liquor & Spirits in Oklahoma!
According to the latest rumors, Oklahoma Walmarts are looking to start stocking and selling liquor and spirits across the Sooner State. This would include whiskey, tequila, vodka, gin, and more. They're working to legalize the sale of liquor for themselves and all grocery stores across the state. There are pros and cons...
Walmart is said to have hired a consulting team to lobby on their behalf and assist in getting the current liquor laws changed. Back in 2016, they lead the charge to change laws so they could start selling high-point beer and wines. It cost the retailer about 5 million dollars but in the end, OK. State Question 792 passed.
With the financial resources Walmart has at its disposal, chances are better than good that they'll be able to successfully challenge Oklahoma's current liquor laws and eventually be allowed to sell spirits and liquor. According to some reports, Walmart and the consulting firm CMA Strategies will start working on this next month. It will take some time and will require the full legislative process similar to Oklahoma (SQ 792).
So what are the pros and cons of this? One pro would be having liquor and spirits available for purchase at Walmart and more than likely at lower prices. However, it would seriously damage liquor stores all across the state, and most of them would end up having to close down. They can't compete with Walmart and win.
While it may be nice to save a few bucks when buying liquor and spirits, it may even be more convenient since it's at Walmart and you could grab it while grocery shopping. The biggest problem will be how it affects local liquor stores and small businesses. Some may survive if this passes, but most would close their doors.
So what do you think about all this? Do you support changing the current laws in Oklahoma so Walmart and other grocery stores can sell liquor and spirits? Take the quick poll below and let us know your thoughts:
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