photo by Elsa/Getty Images Sports
photo by Elsa/Getty Images Sports

Apparently, bunnies are not as easily trainable as wide receivers or Gronkowskis. Recently, New England Patriot quarterback Tom Brady got together with the Easter bunny for a for an "unreal" Easter Egg hunt and a little football.

The bunny should have stuck with the Easter egg hunt.

Actually it was for a commercial for Unreal Easter Candy tins from Whole Foods Markets. Apparently the bunny hid 50 of the tins across Whole Foods Markets in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire and Connecticut (sorry Vermont!), filled with a golden egg and an "UnReal Possibility" grand prize.

Apparently, Brady may have felt the rabbit looked a little too much like Peyton Manning and the bunny's grand prize ended up being a concussion. But in Brady''s defense, Gronk would have caught it!

See the commercial here.

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