Registration Underway for City of Lawton Citizens Academy
No, not Citizen's Police Academy. That is a completely different class! This Citizen's Academy is sponsored by the City of Lawton to educate class members of the workings of the City of Lawton Government.
Applications are available online at, and are due by July 2. Classes will meet on Thursday evenings for about 2 hours each week. Topics over the 14 week course will include site visits (We like to call them field trips!) and overviews of every major department within the City of Lawton. This will give you an opportunity to get answers to questions you may have about just how the City of Lawton operates.
“This is a chance to put names to faces and to have all of your questions about local government answered,” said Tiffany Martinez Vrska, community relations director and program coordinator. "Communication, transparency and engagement are topmost priorities of City staff, and we have the chance to truly put those into action with this course."
This is the second time the City of Lawton has offered the Citizen's Academy. The first took place in 2019, before the COVID-19 Pandemic virtually shut down our city, and meetings of any kind.
As mentioned above, applications can be accessed online at, or can be picked up in the Office of the City Manager located at City Hall, 212 SW Ninth Street in Downtown Lawton, during normal business hours. Deadline to turn in completed applications is July 3, and class orientation will be July 29, 2021.
Newcomers and long time residents of Lawton alike can benefit from this course. Take advantage of time to educate yourself on the workings of our city with the Citizen's Academy 2021, taking registrations now!
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