SNL Adds ‘Westworld’ Twist to ‘Anderson Cooper 360’
SNL was bound to tackle Westworld eventually, but like the series itself, we’d need a good twist in the process. See how the mundanity of reporting on Trump scandals takes a trip out West when SNL tackles Anderson Cooper 360 in Kristen Wiig’s return episode.
We’ll go ahead and advise you to watch the sketch for yourself first, but if it seemed like SNL’s Anderson Cooper sketch might have been on a loop, there’s good reason for it. The cycle of reporting / contextualizing / reacting to / normalizing / supplanting Trump scandals is exactly as arduous as it sounds, and all Hosts need to go in for maintenance eventually.
(h/t UPROXX)
That said, we’ve three twist-filled episodes of Westworld left in the show’s inaugural season, to say nothing of December SNL episodes to go, so we wouldn’t be surprised if NBC returns to the well before the year is out.
In the meantime, Emma Stone will host the first December 2016 SNL with musical guest Shawn Mendes, while Westworld will air its eighth episode this Sunday.
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