The Weather is playin havoc on outdoor events so far this Spring.  The Lawton Speedway has had to cancel the last two weeks of racing, and now the City of Lawton Open Streets event has been cancelled for this weekend.

Tiffany Vrska, the Community Relations Director for the City of Lawton sent this notice:


Due to the possibility of thunderstorms, the Open Streets event set to take place Saturday (4/21/18) has been CANCELLED. (This means the pre-vendor meeting is also cancelled.)

This event will be rescheduled by the Open Streets committee. When it is rescheduled, the public will be notified via web, flyers and traditional media.

Thank you for your understanding. Activity vendors are currently being contacted about the cancellation. Those with questions may call the City of Lawton Planning Department at 580.581.3375 or the City of Lawton Community Relations Office at 580.581.3301.

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