Viral Wichita Falls, Texas Bakery Who Made MAGA Cookies, Now Has Biden Ones as WellViral Wichita Falls, Texas Bakery Who Made MAGA Cookies, Now Has Biden Ones as WellThe debate was last night and that has of course lead to discussions of which side won. When it comes to Wichita Falls, we all win with these cookies.StrykerStryker
Texas Man Named "Literally Anybody Else" is Running For PresidentTexas Man Named "Literally Anybody Else" is Running For PresidentThis guy gets it. ChrissyChrissy
The Ultimate Joe Biden Hater is Driving Around Texas While the President is HereThe Ultimate Joe Biden Hater is Driving Around Texas While the President is HereSure we have all seen a Trump or M.A.G.A. truck in Texas, but this person has taken it to another level. StrykerStryker
Pilot on Texas Flight in Trouble for Anti-Biden CommentPilot on Texas Flight in Trouble for Anti-Biden CommentI think the person who was on this flight might have over exaggerated a bit, but I will let you be the judge of that.StrykerStryker
President Joe Biden Sworn In at 2021 Inauguration: Katy Perry, Barack Obama and More ReactPresident Joe Biden Sworn In at 2021 Inauguration: Katy Perry, Barack Obama and More ReactStars rejoiced in the new U.S. president.Jacklyn KrolJacklyn Krol
Joe Biden Declared Winner of 2020 Presidential ElectionJoe Biden Declared Winner of 2020 Presidential ElectionMultiple news organizations declared Vice President Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election on Friday.Jackie CorleyJackie Corley