Texas Roadhouse on Tap for Holiday Weekend Blood Drive
Join Texas Roadhouse at a blood drive with Oklahoma Blood Institute from 9:30 to 1:30, on Friday, September 3 at Texas Roadhouse on the Bloodmobile. All donors will receive rolls and free appetizer card! Participate in our coloring contest! 1st place wins 12 free kid’s meals! Support OBI by dinning it at Texas Roadhouse from 11AM-2PM for the Dine 2 Donate!
Successful blood donors will receive their choice of an “OSU orange” or “OU crimson” Bedlam t-shirt.
In addition, for a limited time only, all donors will receive Hemoglobin A1C blood sugar testing, which can help monitor diabetes risk.
As the last Holiday weekend before Fall officially begins, some of us will be taking to the road this weekend. Just another reason that blood donations are crucial this weekend! As more people are out of town, the donor levels do down, add to that, the accidents that happen over a long weekend, the need for blood increases.
And, what could be better than knowing that you donation could save 3 lives! Well, how about getting free rolls from Texas Roadhouse, and a free appetizer card! It's a 5 way win for those that donate! Plus, while supplies last you will get your choice of Bedlam flavored t-shirts with either OU, or OSU logos on them, and your choice of one entry to one ofseveral Oklahoma amusement parks.
Save lives this holiday weekend, and get prizes. Friday, September 4, at the Texas Roadhouse, West Cache Road in the Bloodmobile from 9:30am - 1:30pm.
Appointments to donate can be made online at obi.org or by calling 877-340-8777. While COVID-19 vaccination is not required of blood donors, those who have been vaccinated can donate immediately, assuming they are feeling well. Blood donation typically takes only about an hour, and one donation saves up to three lives.