There is a poll going around that says that what women really want for Valentine's Day is to be left alone.  I want to know who answered that poll!? Isn't Valentine's Day supposed to be all about love? Why would you want to be away from the ones that you love or that love you.

I know that life can be stressful, especially if you are a Mom with young children at home with the constant questions, and spills and bickering, but those days are gone oh so soon.  Look at me.  I'm a Mother, and a Nana, and I haven't seen my kids or grand kids in nearly a month due to COVID quarantine. I want nothing more than to have them all around me.  Maybe later in the day, I'd like them to go home, but the greatest joy in my life is to have shouts of Nana ringing in my ears.

So let's get real.  Women like jewelry, candy and flowers.  We also like to be pampered, with a manicure or pedicure or both.  How about a massage?  Or a night out on the town?  Ok, dinner out is probably a bit more realistic. But to be left alone?  Not any of the women that I know!

Sound off Ladies!  We are going to put this to a vote right here in Lawton America.  I'm listing a few of the items above in this poll.  If you got to choose your own (I know some of you, like me, get to pick out your own gifts!) gift your love gets you for Valentine's Day what would you pick? Don't look Dakota!

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