Area Schools Cancel Classes Due to Illness
Lawton Public Schools has announced that they will cancel classes on Friday, January 26, 2018 due to the number of students and staff that are sick with the flu. Elgin, and Cache schools, and the Great Plains Technology Center have announced via their websites that they will also close classes for the day. Elgin Schools will close Monday, January 29th as well.
Earlier this week Vernon ISD in Texas cancelled classes on Wednesday and Thursday to disinfect classrooms and public areas before students return on Friday.
Parents, please remember that students should not go to school if they're running fever, and not return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
Flu in children usually causes at least 2 or 3 of the following symptoms:
- a fever that starts suddenly (a temperature equal to or greater than 38 degrees Celsius)
- body aches or pains.
- headache.
- dry cough which may become moist,
- sore throat.
- low energy or fatigue.
- chills or shivering.
- runny or stuffy nose.
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