These Breakfast Burritos Are the Best Kept Secret in Frederick, Oklahoma
I'm always looking for new food places to try in Oklahoma, especially if they're delicious! I recently heard about a breakfast burrito food truck in Frederick, Oklahoma, that is the best kept secret in Southwest Oklahoma.
I recently visited Frederick, Oklahoma, for a shopping trip at Box, Inc. and I asked some of the locals where a good place to eat is. There wasn't much open that evening, except for Sonic, but a lot of people said if I was ever in town for breakfast that I should check out A&A Burritos food truck because their breakfast burritos are some of the best food in town.
Breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day. I make breakfast for the employees at the station quite often and breakfast burritos are sometimes on the menu. So I decided to check out A&A Burritos on Facebook. Just based on the pictures, I have to get down to Frederick for breakfast as soon as possible.
These breakfast burritos are made with giant homemade tortillas and salsa!
A&A Burritos is a family affair, operated by a team of mom and two daughters, with help from the rest of the family!
Their tortillas and salsa are always freshly homemade.
And they have all kinds of delicious fillings for your perfect breakfast burrito, including bacon, sausage, chorizo, cheese, potatoes, and, of course, eggs.
Like with any small town in Oklahoma, the community is super supportive of A&A Burritos! During the school year, you'll find students lined up before school, and if you're there at the crack of down, you'll find droves of farmers stopping for breakfast and a quick chat.
So if you're near Frederick in the morning hours, pull into town for a delicious homemade breakfast burrito. Check out A&A Burritos on Facebook!