Time To Get Your Gobble Wobble On! [AUDIO]
A new Thanksgiving Day is back again, as the 6th annual Gobble Wobble gets you up and going on Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, November 23rd. The free event kicks off from the Museum of the Great Planes, 601 NW Ferris Ave, with a 1-mile 'Poult Bolt', a run for kids and families at 8:00 am followed by a 5k which will send runners and walkers off at 8:30.
Their is no entry fee for either race, but in lieu event promoters ask participants for a donation to the Lawton Food Bank of 9 non-perishable food items. During the Holidays, the Lawton Food bank provides food for over 1200 families each month, providing more than 1.2 million pounds of food annually.
You can pre-register or make financial donations online, or on the day of the event with a gift card from a local market. Cash donations can not be accepted at the event. There will be a raffle, and T-shirts for the event are available at the Gobble Wobble Facebook page. Non-perishable food donations can also be made at Bennett Office Equipment on the corner of 7th & B in Lawton.
Daniel Hull & Rose McCullom stopped by the KLAW EZ Go Studios to talk about the upcoming event and the work of the Lawton Food Bank.