Is This Poison Ivy?
I am 55 years old and I have never had Poison Ivy. I guess, I do now. I am not really sure though, but if it looks like Poison Ivy and itches like Poison Ivy, then it must be, right?
On Monday of last week, I was sure that something had bitten me on my arm. I had these little tiny red bites (or so I thought). I have dogs so I assumed that it may be fleas, but after checking the boys, I found no fleas. Fast forward a couple of days, and I had little blisters all in a line. Hmmm, now what could that be?
Suggestions ranged from blister bugs, to bed bugs, then a friend suggested the dreaded PI. Yuk. Well, I looked it up online, and sure enough, it looked just like Poison Ivy, but how in the world did I get it. I haven't yet done any yard work this year (my sister mowed my yard last week), and really haven't been outdoors very much so far this spring.
I have had several suggestions for care as well. My brother told me cold compresses work to take the itch out. We had several calls on the air this morning suggesting a shot, (Yikes), and more over the counter medication. I have found that Calamine lotion has worked the best so far, but what a big mess. I am already ready to be over this! I am looking like the walking dead with my arm turning pinkish white.
What remedies to you prefer for the care and comfort of Poison Ivy? Add your answers in the comment section below.