There's a lot of people scamming others out of their hard earned cash, especially around this time of year. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people who could genuinely use some help and are honest about their situation. On the other hand you have people like this lady who scam people with a sob story and are dishonest about what they're doing. I hate seeing this type of thing.

It makes it harder on those who really need the help, you're always left wondering if you've actually helped someone or just got scammed out of cash. People like this make me sick! Typically I don't give money to individuals. Instead I make donations to agencies and organizations that assist others like the American Red Cross, Goodwill Industries and the United Way. This way I know for sure that the money is going for a good cause and what it's intended for.

I'm not saying to not help others or when you see a person in need not to lend a hand, just be careful when you do. Offer instead to purchase food, gas or other needed items instead of just handing over money. At least that's what I do. Hopefully this lady learned a lesson and quits scamming people, but I seriously doubt it.

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