Lawton, Fort Sill Get Ready for the Cold!
Well once again Mother Nature is being moody, more like PMSing. Over the next 3 or 4 days we're going to see and feel some of the coldest temperatures we've seen all winter long. We're talking in the teens and with the wind chill, negative, even below zero temperatures. Looking ahead to the weekend and into Monday it's going to be around 18-10 degrees with lows from 3 to -2 outside. We're talking extreme cold!
As you can imagine with it being that cold outside and with all the moisture, freezing rain and drizzle the road conditions are bad, really bad. Especially bridges and over passes. If you're able to stay home and avoid getting out that's your best plan. If you do get out be very careful and give yourself plenty of time to get to wherever it is you're going. All the roads are slick with black ice, that's the neighborhoods and main roads. This morning on my way into work everybody going down Lee Blvd./Highway 7 was going sideways, slipping and sliding everywhere. Mind your speed and distance to avoid the ditch and other cars. It's incredibly slick and you can't see the ice on the roads, but believe me it's there. So slow down and be careful.
It wouldn't hurt to call ahead if you're planning on going somewhere just to make sure they're open. There's already been a lot of closures due to the weather and road conditions, as well as late openings. If you haven't made it to the store already for the mandatory "Bread & Milk" good luck, it's a madhouse! Hopefully you're well stocked and ready, it's going to be a cold and miserable couple of days. I'm thinking it's time for stew, chili, grilled cheese with tomato soup, bacon sandwiches and loaded baked potatoes that's for sure.
Bring the pets in, make sure your hoses are all disconnected, that your vehicle has a full tank of gas and that you have some food and drink for the next 3 or 4 days. It's looking like it's going to get worse before it gets any better and there's even a 50% chance for snow on Sunday and Monday...Oh' boy! Try to stay safe and warm out there. Also keep your fingers crossed that we don't loose power, that would totally suck!
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