Final Winner Announced for Monday Smiles Contest
During the months of September and October, KLAW 101 has asked our listeners to honor their favorite businesses that go over and above to serve their clients and customers. Each week, we saw the number of listeners participating increase as people nominated more and more businesses for doing customer service right.
Monday Smiles Winners
Winners included the best of the best in the following categories:
Favorite Bank - BancFirst
Favorite School - Lawton High School
Favorite Veterinarian - Lawton Veterinary Hospital
Favorite HVAC Company - AllTech Heat and Air
Favorite Dentist - Dr. Andrea Montgomery
Favorite Coffee House - Viridian Coffee
Favorite Gym - Planet Fitness
Our partner in recognizing the very best each week has been Flowers by Ramon. What beautiful floral arrangements they have come up with each and every week. Many of these categories had very personal nominations. Where you place your loyalties is a big deal. This week is no exception. Favorite Hair Salon. We have an office of 90 percent women. Of my female co-workers, none have the same hair salon as any other. So it was with the voting this week.
I'm happy to announce that my hair salon was named the winner. I promise I had nothing to do with it as I abstained from voting this week, so there would be no question! If you heard our interview with Robert Peterson, you heard how he praised his wife Marina Peterson for opening a business and being able to keep it open even in the height of the pandemic. That salon is our winner this week Native Roots Hair Salon. My niece McKenzie Pugh is the assistant manager and has been doing my hair for years. They have created a salon that specializes in amazing styles and colors.
Congratulations to all of our winners for our Monday Smiles Campaign! Let's hope these businesses will rub off on others, and more and more will make super-serving their customers their number one priority!