Oklahoma Blood Institute in Desperate Need of Donors
Lawton has come to expect Blood usage to increase as the weather warms, but this is different. As COVID cases wane, more and more people are able to reschedule their elective surgeries that had to be put off all of last year, and THAT is causing a huge shortage in the blood supplies in Oklahoma.
Hospital usage has soared by 10% over previous usage, and blood donors are needed to respond as quickly as possible.
'All types of blood are needed at this point said new Executive Director, Christi Chambers. Whole blood which can be donated every 56 days, and platelets can be donated every two weeks.'
The local blood supply normally operates on a 3 day supply, but with the shortage to begin the month, and the increased hospital usage, the supply is dangerously low.
Chambers said a call to action is needed. If you are a donor and are eligible to donate, please make an appointment today to donate. You can also stop by the local OBI location at 211 SW A. Ave in Lawton.
Blood donations take about an hour with the intake paperwork and tests, and the actual donation about 45 minutes. They are serving refreshments for the next few days as well. You donation can save up to 3 lives.
And, if you have had the COVID vaccination, you do not have to wait to give blood! You are immediately eligible to donate. An average of 1200 donations are needed each day to ensure a good blood supply.
To make an appointment to donate, visit the website at O.BI.org. or walk in during normal business hours at 211 SW A. Ave.