Random Thoughts From My Files – Is It Already May?
As long as I can remember, the changing of the month always meant a couple of things. One, dad would always change the calendar it prior to going to bed. I always wondered how it happened. And then there was always the feel of a new month. May always brought warmer temperatures and the ability to stay out longer. As I got older it bought on a whole new meaning.
The late Will Rogers said "If you do not like the weather in Oklahoma, just wait 5 minutes." Our five minutes will be tomorrow. May 1st and they say the temps are going to fall into the 40's? This is what you would expect in late January. Not in May.
Crazy month. They scheduled Cinco de May and Mothers day one week apart. That is two big events to plan and execute in a short amount of time.
I guess the honeymoon with lower gas prices is over. Prices have jumped up .10 to .20 in the last 36 hours. Uh. Hello people in charge of the gas prices. It is not summer vacation season yet. At this current rate of jacking up the price, how much will it be by Memorial Day?
Another sure sign that the month of May is almost here, I saw the carnival train pulling into the Great Plains Coliseum. That is an interesting world in itself. Good times to be had eating all of the junk food on the midway then getting on the biggest, fastest ride that will turn you upside down, inside out and return you to an upright position in less than 90 seconds.
What else can May bring besides a huge pollen count and he sounds of Pomp and Circumstance filling the air?
Have a good week and enjoy the month of May
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