School Lunch Prices on The Rise For 2017-18
The cost of lunch in Lawton Public Schools will be on the rise for the 2017-2018 school year, as the Board of Education approved a $0.10 increase for all elementary and secondary locations in the Lawton School System.
The increase will mean a rise from $2.25 to $2.35 in the cost of lunch in Lawton's elementary school's and an increase from $2.50 to $2.60 at the secondary school level. Breakfast will still be provide free to all Lawton Public Schools student. The price increase will affect more than Lawton though, as every school district in Oklahoma received a mandate to raise the cost of their lunches a minimum of $0.10 per meal, until they meet the state's Paid Lunch Equity Calculation’s new calculated meal price goal of $2.86 per meal.