There has been talk of a sequel to Oklahoma's biggest movie since the day the film debuted in theaters. Twister may have been a monster of a movie in 1996, earning half a billion dollars then, but it has taken almost thirty years to get Hollywood on board with the next chapter.

Many iterations of a potential sequel have gone through the Hollywood machine and failed, but it's finally official. Twisters is set to start filming in Oklahoma starting on May 8th and the studio is currently looking to cast a bunch of Okies as extras.

Here are the quick details I found online...

All extras cast will be paid $10 per hour with a 12-hour guarantee each day, even if the day goes less than 12 hours. Overtime will be paid after 12 hours. Some of these roles will require you to allow your personal vehicle to be filmed, but you'll be compensated even more for that--$50--and if they use the practical effects--rain, blowing dust, fake debris, etc-- you'll be paid even more on top of it all.
The casting company is looking for extras for the following shoot days:

May 8

Business district passengers
Subway passengers
Storm chasers

May 9

Security guard
Police officer
BG with cars
Cab drivers
Restaurant servers
Restaurant customers
Food truck and vendor

May 12

Government staff

May 15-19

Storm chasers with vehicles

May 15-16

Gas station customers with cars
Foreign tourists

May 17-18

Truck stop customers with vehicles
Truck stop cook
Truck stop cashier
Store customers

May 19

Additional storm chasers

May 22

Rig equipment workers
Pickup trucks and drivers

How to become an extra...

You have to email a photo of yourself to
The photo of yourself can be a smartphone snap as long as it includes your face and upper torso. It has to be a jpeg and it must be titled FirstName.LastName.jpeg--Example: Jeff.Kelso.jpeg
You'll also want to include the following in the body of your email...
-CITY/STATE of residence
-If submitting for a role with a vehicle, send a photo of the vehicle you'll drive.
-Make the subject heading of your email: STUDIO – (Name of Role)  Example: STUDIO - Pedestrians

When Twister was filmed in my hometown in the 90s, so many of us got to be extras. It was a lot of sitting around waiting on stuff to happen, but it was fun nonetheless for everyone involved.

Good luck. Full details can be found here.

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