Bulk Trash Pick Up for Area 1 in Lawton is Still On Going
If you're still waiting on the city to pick up your bulk trash in area #1 which is N.W. Lawton they're still out collecting and will get to you as soon as possible. The City of Lawton announced that they would be extending the bulk trash pick up through today (06-04-21) due to the amount of waste being set out. More than likely the delays and amount of trash being set out was caused by the Memorial Day weekend. The City of Lawton announced that more time is needed for collection, get all the details here.
So what are the scheduled dates for bulk trash pick up? It all depends on what part of town you live in. It's broken up into 4 different areas and each zone has it's own weekly trash pick up schedule along with a monthly bulk trash pick up day. Area #1 is the 1st Wednesday of the month. Area #2 is the second Wednesday of the month. Area #3 is the 3rd Wednesday of the month and finally area #4 which is the 4th Wednesday of the month. Below is the official schedule for bulk trash pick up from the City of Lawton:
So now you know that the bulk trash pick ups will happen on Wednesdays and broken up into zones. If you're looking at the calendar above from the City of Lawton and trying to figure out what area or zone you live in and what color it is on the calendar so you can plan for monthly bulk trash pick ups see the map below:
With having our trash pick ups reduced to just once a week I'm sure like myself you'll be gathering trash and other refuse for the monthly bulk pick ups. With Spring, Summer here there's going to be a lot of grass clippings, small limbs and other landscaping yard trash that will need to be disposed of. If you're wondering what all types of bulk trash the city will pick up see the city's guidelines for bulk trash pick up below: