Cameron University’s “Aggie Art Walk” Looking for Artists
Cameron University Alumni Association seeks artists for upcoming Aggie Art Walk
The Cameron University Alumni Association (CUAA) invites artists from throughout southwest Oklahoma and beyond to submit an application to create a mural for the upcoming Aggie Art Walk, a display of original artwork that will be displayed on the CU campus later this fall. Anyone may apply to participate. A minimum of 12 artists will be selected. Design submissions should revolve around the theme of “Connections.” To apply, visit Call the CU Office of Alumni Relations at 580-581-2988 for more information.
The application must include a sketch of the proposed design of a 4’x8’ or a 4’x4’ mural as well as a statement describing the applicant’s connection to Cameron University. The deadline to apply is Thursday, September 10. Members of CUAA Board of Directors will select the artists after a review of the applications and announce those selected to participate on Thursday, September 17th 2020.
The CUAA will provide a wood panel to the selected artists, each of whom will receive a $50 credit for paint and supplies at Ace Hardware on Cache Road. Finished murals are due on Monday, October 19. The finished pieces will be installed on campus and will remain on display for up to one year. All finished pieces will be displayed outside and must be sealed appropriately to withstand environmental elements. All artwork submitted for the Aggie Art Walk will become the property of the Cameron University Alumni Association.
The opening of the Aggie Art Walk is slated for Thursday, October 22nd 2020.