This SWOK Burger Joint Has Been Around Since 1938
Sitting around the table with some friends recently, someone uttered the most typical and uninformed sentence someone could say in this state... "There's nothing to do in Oklahoma."
Honestly, we've been over this a thousand times... If you're bored living in Oklahoma, you are just a boring person.
As much as I'd like you to just slowly digest those words in an existentially profound train of self-loathing thought, I spend a considerable amount of my own personal time trying to give you great ideas of things to do, for instance...
There is a burger joint not far from Lawton that has been serving the same burger since 1938. How amazing is that? At that age, it's one of the oldest restaurants in the state, and it's close to Lawton.
As much as I'd like to eat at a really old restaurant like the 348-year-old White Horse Tavern in Rhode Island, I know it's hard to find "old" places like that in our great state. We're a young state. The earliest modern settlements only date back to the mid-1800s, and at that, the oldest eatery in the state is just over 110-ish years old.
Cattleman's Steakhouse in OKC... neat place, meh steak.
The burger joint I'm talking about here is Hamburger Inn in Ardmore. It's been in the same location since the mid-50s, and only because they built a new building and moved across the street from the OG Hamburger Inn location.
If history has taught me anything, odds are, a restaurant that old has one of two things going for it... The atmosphere and/or great food. While it's hard to find a place that has both, people swear the 84-year-old burgers are excellent off their grill.
So if you're bored and convinced there's nothing to do in Oklahoma, here's something to do.