As the season changes over there is a return to normalcy across the state. More events in more places offer more ways to entertain your now-longer days. One of my favorite things to participate in is the humble, classic flea market.

You've never peeked into my home, but it's mostly decorated with old stuff. Not new stuff that looks old, but literal old stuff. A handful of oil and gas signs I found in a field outside of Hollis, huge two-man wood saws we found rummaging through grandpas "forbidden" tool shed, and old crappy hotel art that I've painted pop-culture characters into. Mainly Futurama garb...

I love old stuff, but it's getting harder and harder to find these days. Flea markets used to be 7-day-a-week businesses and they've somehow become only weekend-worthy traveling events. Regardless, OKC's big flea market is this weekend at the fairgrounds.

Flea market

Are you going to spot something worth infinitely more than it costs? Not likely.

Is there going to be a ton of junk in the midst of a few treasures? Really likely.

Is it going to be something to do on an otherwise chilly weekend? Absolutely.

If you're down for a little rummaging, here are the details. It's Buchanan's Vintage Flea Market, Saturday and Sunday March 18-19 at State Fair Park in OKC.

They'll do one of these flea markets one weekend a month for the rest of the year. If you get the chance to go, go. You never know what nostalgia you'll find.

Unique Things to Do in Oklahoma City

There is no shortage of things to do in OKC. While there are a handful of things everyone knows about--OKC Zoo, Myriad Gardens, Bricktown, etc-- there are even more lesser-known places to experience one-of-a-kind Oklahomaness. Some things cost a little money, others are completely free, but it's all fun for the whole family.

The 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in Oklahoma

While catalytic converter and property theft seem to get all of the headlines recently, it's easy to forget how prevalent vehicle theft still is in 2023. Oddly enough, 20% of car thefts are reported to have had the keys accidentally left in unattended cars. You'll want to remain vigilant in protecting your ride, especially if you drive one of the ten most stolen vehicles in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma's Best Barbeque Joints, In No Particular Order...

I doubt there's a single topic debated more passionately in Oklahoma than who makes the best BBQ. While they all smoke meat, there are some huge differences in how that process is done. Type of wood, length of cook, foil vs paper wrap, and even the hot topics of seasoning and binders come into play. What you like others may not, and vice versa. Since we can't just pick a top five or ten, here are the Oklahoma barbeque joints that have the biggest fans.

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