A nurse who's been stuck in quarantine at the nursing home she works for has a special reunion with her dog via video chat. They've been separated for three weeks and when she gets on the phone and does her special whistle the dog let's her know how much she's missed. Hopefully she's back at home with her dog and they're together again.

While it's certainly no replacement for the real thing and human contact, we are very lucky that we have Face Time, Skype, Zoom and all the other video chat apps and technology we have today. Can you imagine if COVID-19 had happened 10 or 20 years ago? We'd really be on our own with little to no interaction with friends and family. At least not video where we can see each other, we'd be stuck with phone calls and just talking.

It's been a tough couple of months and it's really been difficult on families and friends trying to stay connected. But it's also been hard on our pets. My family and I have been fortunate that none of us are stuck elsewhere in quarantine or someplace other than home. We're lucky too that we've been able to spend additional time together and are making the most of all of this. It's been just as hard on the pets who are still trying to figure out what's going on.

My two dogs Kiko and Pepper have been in dog heaven for the past several months. Someone's been with them at the house pretty much all the time. They're really going to freak out when things go back to normal and their people aren't with them all day everyday. They've been spoiled with loads of attention, walks, snacks and playtime. I have a feeling they'll need puppy counseling when it all comes to an end. Hopefully you're able to be with your family, friends and pets during all this. If not I hope you're able to reunite soon.

Check out these 50 fascinating facts about dogs:


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