A Norman, OK street named after a former professor at the University of Oklahoma has come under protest recently, with the professor's ties to the Klu Klux Klan being the cause.
You've heard all of the cliches of how the second place is the first loser, and how I don't have to be the fastest at running away from the axe murderer, I just have to be in front of you, but do you have real concrete evidence that being first doesn't suck? Well, now you do!
UPDATE 1:28 p.m. - President David Boren has addressed students and press saying that a faculty member reported what sounded like three gun shots near Gould Hall. No evidence of gunshots have been found, no evidence of a suspect was found, no injuries were reported.
It is believed that construction equipment backfire was the cause of the noise. Activities on OU have resumed. Gould Hall remains on