War in the Ukraine Has Strengthened the 2nd Amendment in the U.S.
If you held any doubts about the importance of the 2nd Amendment the war in Ukraine should serve as a prime example as to why the "right to keep and bear arms" is absolutely vital to the security and peace of the Nation. It may be too little too late, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made the announcement yesterday that all citizens who wish to arm themselves in defense of the country may do so.
More than that, the Ukrainian government/military would supply the weapons. At this time thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians are arming themselves and are ready to fight alongside their military in defense of their country. Had this right been protected by a constitution and in place prior to the invasion they would have been armed already and better prepared to defend their lives and country. By loosening the firearm laws in the country the Ukrainian government has at least given their citizens and country a fighting chance.
To those who doubted the meaning, intent, or reasoning of the 2nd Amendment what's happening in Ukraine should settle that argument. An armed citizenship is near impossible to conquer and control. In the United States, an enemy foreign or domestic would have to get through all of our military branches, all the reserves and guard units along with an armed populace in order to even occupy the country, much less conquer it.
It's frustratingly funny that people, "anti-gun" people, always remark that there's no need for citizens to have arms and that the 2nd Amendment is outdated. They continually say it's ridiculous to think that a private citizen with a gun could do much in defense of the country. Well, oddly enough that's exactly how our country began. A group of armed men tired of the tyranny they were living under got together and fought back, with arms. I'm sure the British at the time thought like our "anti-gun" crowd, and like them were dead wrong.
Within minutes of the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian government immediately put the word out about arming its citizens. So to those who constantly state that it's the government's job to protect and defend us, it clearly shows without us, it's a non-reality. Relying solely on others for protection is to be utterly defenseless and victim-bound. Without the means to protect yourself and others, you are at the mercy of those who would seek to do you harm and even those sworn to protect you. This is the heart of the Second Amendment.
The 2nd Amendment has never been about hunting, or really even self-defense. It's about having the means to protect our freedom, liberties, and the ability to use arms against tyranny, both foreign and domestic.
That's what it's all about and what we're seeing in Ukraine definitely affirms this, at least to those who are paying attention anyway. Hopefully, some lessons will be learned and those who in the past wished to eliminate or further restrict our rights to keep and bear arms will better understand the intent of our Founding Fathers, the architects of freedom and framers of our constitution had in mind when writing it.
Lastly, the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution DOES NOT grant rights. It recognizes and upholds the rights that were given to us at birth by our creator, which is why they're called "Inalienable Rights."
The primary purpose of the Consitution and Bill of Rights is to restrict the government's "infringement" of rights, which preexisted the documents in the first place. So any argument about changing any of the amendments in the Constitution is completely invalid. Our rights aren't given to us by the government, we were born with them. This means you CAN NOT take away what you haven't given!