This morning, I came across an announcement from Rodney Smith Jr. on Facebook, awarding a young man from Oklahoma for his help assisting the elderly, disabled and veterans. The young man mowed 50 yards for various people in need in Oklahoma, part of the 50 Yard Challenge organized by Raising Men and Women Lawn Care Service.

This isn't the first time I've seen good things come to good kids in Oklahoma, it just goes to show that our youth is some of the best out there.

Even though many of the youth today struggle with socializing and one on one contact, Oklahoma youth still stay respectful and courteous. Local business owners, like Chris Hayes from Elgin, know that kids don't have to do things like prepare the table after they finish, but the kids in Oklahoma were raised right.

Chris Hayes Facebook
Chris Hayes Facebook

The difference between youth with and without a positive influence is how they show they care. When Oklahoma's kiddos get together to show their support for something, they come up with creative and thoughtful ways to do so, usually without prompting.

Usually, adults are supposed to be the example, but in many cases in Oklahoma, the youth set standards higher than most adults when it comes to changing the lives around themselves for the better.

If you know of a special young man or woman that deserves a spotlight on their hard work, message us on the app so we can do so. In the meantime, support the kiddos in Oklahoma, doing the best because they are.

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