Be on the Lookout for Giant Gators in Oklahoma Lakes this Summer!
It's like something out of a B-Horror film, those old creature features from the late seventies and eighties.
However, this is not a movie, it's real-life and you could come face to face with a nightmarish prehistoric beast lurking just below the surface of Oklahoma lakes. This monster is more than capable of eating you alive, or at the very least ripping you apart. That's right we're talking about the dreaded American alligator!
Okay, that may be a bit of a stretch, or is it? Recently a giant gator was captured and killed at Claremore Lake in Roger County, OK. It was reported that a large alligator had been seen in the lake and sure enough the Department of Wildlife Conservation confirmed it. The gator was around 9.5 feet and due to its size and unknown origin, they had to kill it instead of relocating it. Bet you're re-thinking that Summertime lake trip!
Speaking of giant gators remember the 1980 B-Horror creature classic Alligator?
We do have American alligators in Oklahoma but it's rare for them to be this far north. Usually, they're found in the extreme southeastern part of the state, this one however was over 250 miles from where alligators are known to habitate. So how did it end up in Claremore Lake? Wildlife experts think it was released at the lake illegally. It isn't likely that the gator made its way there or could survive the winter weather conditions.
People started reporting seeing the alligator at Claremore Lake a few weeks ago and on Friday of last week officials with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation managed to locate the gator and euthanized it. With it being so big and not knowing where it came from it was too dangerous to attempt to capture alive and relocate. Luckily there's no swimming at Claremore Lake so no one was attacked or injured by the gator.
Hit play and watch another great giant gator movie trailer from 2019's Crawl!
So what are the chances that you'll run into an alligator while out at the lake this Summer? Well, it all depends where you go. If you avoid the far southeastern part of the state you shouldn't have to worry about gators.
Unless of course, someone releases one at your favorite lake, pond, or creek. It's rare, almost unheard of, so you should be safe if you decide to cool off with a quick dip in the lake. There's no need to panic, quite yet.
Talk about a crazy story, I almost didn't believe it at first. The last thing we need in the Sooner State is giant gators invading our lakes, we have enough to worry about with the weather. Speaking of which, how's this for a great movie idea..."Gatornado." Now that sounds like something worth watching! Imagine it, gators raining from the skies eating people ...EPIC! If you do decide to hit the lakes this Summer be careful and use the buddy system. PRO-TIP: take someone with you that you can easily outswim just to be on the safe side!