First Baptist Church Cancels Living Christmas Tree
The 40th Annual Living Christmas Tree live performance has been cancelled
Watch or record a special broadcast and gospel message from Pastor Mike Keahbone on KSWO Chanell 7 or KAUZ Channel 6 on Christmas Day, December 25 from 6-7am.
The Living Christmas Tree is presented as a gift to the community from First Baptist Church by a 100 voice choir, full orchestra, cast and special guest artists: Blake & Jenna Bolerjack. The 39 foot constructed tree is covered in thousands of computer controlled lights moving in synchronization with the music.
Mike Neff, Associate Pastor of Worship, directs this event. Each year is a new and unique presentation. Majesty will be presented as the 40th presentation next year to celebrate and give praise to the One who was, and is, and who will always by King Jesus!
'We are saddened to not be able to continue with this year's presentations. This was a difficult decision and in the best interest and well being of our church family and the community, We feel at peace under the Lord's guidance about this decision. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of Love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7."
There will be a special Sunday service featuring the guest vocalists , Blake and Jenna Bolerjack, Sunday, December 13, during Morning Worship, beginning at 10:50.
Mark your calendars now for this special event, and go ahead and mark you calendars for next year, generally the 2nd weekend in December. Let's help make 2021 bigger and better than ever!
For more information visit fbclawton.org
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