Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back With New Lawton Mural!
All I have to say is "Snoochie boochies." Justin Hackney and Spreading PAINTS are at it once again. I was out yesterday afternoon driving down Fort Sill Boulevard heading to Roger's Lane and I saw another one of his incredible murals. This time it's the one and only Jay and Silent Bob! They've been immortalized in glorious black and white on the side of Blvd Smoke Shop and Beerhaus located at 2601 N.W. Fort Sill Blvd.
Just when you think Hackney couldn't possibly outdo himself, he goes and does this! I guess the Jay and Silent Bob mural was painted awhile back, I just now saw it so I'm a little last to the party. I'm a HUGE fan of Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes so when I saw this I had to pull over and get a picture. Earlier this week I posted a story about the Clint Eastwood "Dirty Harry" mural on the side of Sanders Hardware at 1214 N.W. Cache Road. At the time I said it was my all time favorite mural done by Hackney, but now I'm thinking there's a tie for first place with Jay and Silent Bob! Makes you wonder what is he going to do next and where?
I'd be interested to see just how many murals Justin Hackney and Spreading PAINTS has done in Lawton, Fort Sill. There's quite a few of them, eventually we'll need a map so we can visit them all. If you haven't seen the Beatles mural on the side of Phillips Music Company stop by 107 S.W. Sheridan Road and check it out. He's also done a ton of murals on the side of the Vaska Theater at 1902 N.W. Ferris Avenue. I Hope he continues to paint and do murals around town, I always look forward to seeing them.
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