Free COVID-19 Testing in Lawton
If you're needing to be tested for COVID-19 you can stop by the Great Plains Coliseum 920 S.W. Sheridan Road or go to the Comanche County Health Department 1010 S.W. Sheridan Road. Both locations will have FREE drive thru COVID-19 testing today (01-05-21) and on (01-07-21) from 10:00am until 5:00pm.
To sign up and get registered for testing at the Great Plains Coliseum visit www.Marquislabs.com and fill out the online application form. If you'd like to do the drive thru testing at the Comanche County Health Department call (580)-248-5890 to schedule an appointment time. Testing provided by Marquis Labs.
The family and I have been tested several times now and it's nice to have a test done FREE for a change. Over the holidays several family members and friends were COVID-19 positive and ended up getting really sick. Some with very severe symptoms and others with mild to no symptoms. We even had a loved one hospitalized due to Coronavirus. Luckily they're doing better and recovering now.
The first couple of times we were tested we went to our family doctor. It ended up costing us co-pays and there was an additional cost for the tests. The ones we took were the rapid test vs. the 2 or 3 day test. It added up quick and right before Christmas it was certainly an unwelcomed expense, but it's better to know than not know. The last thing I want to do is possibly spread it to others.
It's hard enough dealing with this virus, the last thing you need is expensive medical bills and unexpected costs weighing you and your family down. So taking full advantage of free testing opportunities is important for your health and budget. If you're needing details and want to find free testing dates and times the Comanche County Health Department's official Facebook page is a great place to check and often.
I know some people who have been getting tested regularly due to their job or level of exposure. Or have started showing COVID like symptoms and needed to be tested just to make sure. It's even more difficult with it being the cold and flu season. Is it a common cold or COVID? Others either won't, or haven't been tested regardless of cause or reason. So have you taken a COVID-19 test? Take the poll and let us know.
KEEP READING: See 25 natural ways to boost your immune system
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